Home » Tutoring Services » SHSAT Exam Prep » LaGuardia Art Portfolio Development And Review
LaGuardia Arts was the first school in the nation to provide a free, publicly funded program for students with unique talents in the arts. This model has been replicated in most major cities throughout the country.
The school has earned an international reputation for excellence, the accomplishments of our graduates serving as the most vivid proof of the value and worth of our specialized programs of instruction. Our alumni have distinguished themselves in virtually every field of endeavor, including the arts and sciences as well as public service and other professions.
Applicants must bring a portfolio of 8-15 pieces of original artwork done in a variety of media. The artwork should be from observation, imagination, and memory, and labeled appropriately. Photographs—not originals—of three- dimensional (3D) works may be included.
For the audition, applicants will be given three drawing assignments, including drawing the human figure from observation, drawing a still life from memory, and creating a drawing in color based on imagination. All drawing materials for auditions will be supplied by the school at the time of the audition.
A: Some applicants find it helpful to practice the drawing prompts in 20 minutes segments. Here are some examples to help you prepare:
A: The portfolio demonstrates ability, seriousness and depth of interest.
A: No. Applicants will have their portfolios scored while they complete the live audition.
A: The examiners look for creativity and the ability to draw from observation, compose a picture on the page, and use color in an effective way.
The portfolio, pencil, pen, and admission ticket. All drawing materials for the audition will be supplied by the school at the audition.
A: Applicants are assigned to an art classroom where there are art tables and drawing materials. While students are working, there are examiners reviewing the portfolios in another location. All portfolios are returned to the applicant at the end of the exam.
Portfolio Guidelines: Commercial Art, Illustration, Graphic Design, Cartooning, Animation, Fashion Design, Digital Photography, Game Design
What You Could Include:
Portfolio guidelines: Architectural Design Details: Study includes structures, space, color, form. Focus on hand drafting, architectural design, model making and sketching, AutoCAD instruction. Seniors complete city planning design project to address current zoning issues. Visits to museums, professional studios; visiting professionals. Participation in various Center for Architecture competitions.
Audition information: Portfolio with 10-12 pieces of original artwork created from observation and students’ own imagination with a diversity of subject matter and use of media (look at the suggestions for commercial art). Please include examples of line drawings as well as value studies of geometric shapes and form. You should also include a drawing of your neighborhood and a plan of your bedroom or your apartment. Three-dimensional pieces can be photographed. You will be required to draw from observation and memory.
Film/Video Production: Portfolio Requirements Details: Studio-based curriculum includes pre-production, production, and post-production. Through hands-on filmmaking, students learn film theory, film analysis, scriptwriting, editing in Adobe Premiere Pro, and gain industry-based technical and theoretical knowledge. Students have access to state of the art equipment. Participation in contests, film festivals; visiting artist and professionals.
Audition information: Portfolio including:
Frank Sinatra’s core curriculum includes an intensive study of art, including production, history, development of self and assessment skills.
Courses Of Study Include:
Program is enriched by museum and gallery visits and partnerships with cultural institutions.
Frank Sinatra’s Audition Requirements:
Present a portfolio with 10-15 pieces of original work created from observation and from students own imagination, with diversity of subject matter and use of media, including examples of line, value and color.
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